November Giveaways - It's an iPad Case Extravaganza!

Congrats again to our first ever raffle winner, Clayton B. who picked up October's prize of a VStream PC to HDTV device. With under 20 entries last month, the odds were definitely in the reader's favor. This month, we're pawning off not one, not two, but three iPad cases.  They are as follows:

1) The NavJack iPad Executive Planner (White) - this one's a beautiful portfolio style case for the original iPad, reviewed on this blog earlier this year.

2) The SofShell for iPad 2 (non-Smart Cover) - Just reviewed this month, this sticky skin will keep your iPad from slipping off tables, chairs, and your Porsche.

3) Aluminum Keyboard Case for iPad 2 - this one generated some buzz when it came out, and I purchased one with my own hard earned money. Unfortunately, I didn't care for it, mostly because it didn't stay snapped shut in case mode. Still, the keyboard works well and overall, I appreciated the design.

All three products are in Like New condition, all opened just for review purposes and will be shipped to you for free!  Enter away - I'll draw three winners at the end of the month, with the first one getting top choice of the cases.  Hit the jump for the raffle.  Good luck!

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