Two opportunities to get Googled! GTA in London, Google Geo Teachers Institute
Here's a quick post for those interested in drinking some Google Kool-aid this summer. For the few readers that I see from other countries, you might be interested in attending the next Google Teacher Academy in...London ! I loved GTA Washington D.C., but London would have been amazing (and a slightly more expensive plane ride). For those who are unfamiliar with GTA, it's a free 2-day (one full/planned, one half/free form) workshop where you'll be inundated wtih lessons, experiences, and enthusiasm surrounding all things Google that can be related to education. The application process (due June 17th) is fairly painless - a few qusetions and a short one-minute video. I'm not sure how competitive London will be, but previous GTA's have accepted about 1 in every 5 or 6. Even if you can't make it, or are not accepted, Google makes nearly all of the materials available on their website , and these are open to anyone. Another opportunity is the fi...