Lost or Stolen Smartphone? Three Actions to Take After It Happens
Article first published as Lost or Stolen Smartphone? Three Actions to Take After It Happens on Blogcritics. Image by _rockinfree via Flickr Losing a cell phone or getting one stolen from you is always a tough predicament to be in, yet more and more people are finding themselves in exactly that position. And with mobile devices costing upwards of hundreds of dollars to purchase, replacing a lost or stolen device can easily become an unfortunate financial burden. Furthermore, the reality of having your data now in the hands of someone else may actually prove to be the bigger problem. Two weeks ago, I thought I fell victim to losing my beloved Droid X (happy spoiler alert: the device was found earlier this week). Here are a few actions I took with the hope that you won't have to take them yourself some day. So should your phone get lost or stolen...