This Week in Chanatown - Back to School Edition

This is a picture of an American football in t...Image via Wikipedia
This week marked back to school for our teachers, and though that means back to work for most of us, it also means that one of my favorite distractions is also just around the corner. Football season is upon us, hence, this week's T.W.I.C. features a pigskin instead of the usual baseball. We started the week with the better than Shrek 3 ending of the Drive/Education Reflections trilogy. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I reflected on teacher websites and tablet PC usage since I was giving workshops on both during the day. I found the best fantasy football draft application for the iPhone and iPad on Thursday, as well as a true contender for e-Textbook publishing on the iPad. Google continues to impress with free calling along with other cool new features. Lastly, I wanted to point out that I offered the rationale for ads on my site as well as created an ETHS friendly portal. More to come with that. Have a great back to school week!
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