Announcing Chanatown Gives 2011

Google AdSense check
First, I'd like to thank you the reader for visiting and reading my blog. Without readers, I would not be driven to take time out of my schedule to write with any sort of frequency. Second, I'd like to thank you for your patience in seeing ads on my site. My hope is that they are relevant enough to the posts that you may actually want to click on them. I know I have been tempted to do so (a big no-no with Google, so for the record, I have not clicked on any of my own ads). With that being said, I have been observing a steady trickle of pennies coming through the gates, enough to collect my first check. As promised, I recently issued 8 new Kiva loans (for more info, please visit the Why Ads? page). For 2011, I'd like to use all blog generated revenues to benefit two charities, the first being announced today.

January-June 2011 Beneficiary:  Eden Place Nature Center

Eden Place Nature Center
Eden Place is a 3.5-acre urban garden, nature preserve, and educational center on the South side of Chicago. The center was formerly an illegal dumpsite until founder Michael Howard, with the support of the local community and neighborhood, removed 200 tons of waste and transformed it into an urban oasis.  Eden Place today is home to farm animals (including chickens, pigs, ponies, ducks, and geese), a wetland, restored prairie, butterfly gardens, a woodland area, two green houses, and raised-bed food gardens.  Eden Place also hosts farmers markets, educational workshops, youth field trips, and community festivals that all help connect city residents to nature and healthy food. I encourage you to visit both the organization's website and the actual site if you are local.

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