Best iPad Games to Buy during the Electronic Arts 99 Cent Sale
Article first published as Stocking up on iPad Games at the Electronic Arts 99 Cent Sale! on Blogcritics
I first noticed the sale Thursday morning when Madden 2011 for the iPad was listed for $0.99. After a double take, I clicked on "Buy App" before I read anymore in case there was a mistake. Further investigation revealed that not only was Madden reduced from $12.99 to $0.99, but over 70 games from Electronic Arts
were on sale with some registering over 90% in savings (Madden's price cut takes the cake here). Let the shopping spree begin.
In a matter of minutes, I picked up six additional games including the following:
I first noticed the sale Thursday morning when Madden 2011 for the iPad was listed for $0.99. After a double take, I clicked on "Buy App" before I read anymore in case there was a mistake. Further investigation revealed that not only was Madden reduced from $12.99 to $0.99, but over 70 games from Electronic Arts
In a matter of minutes, I picked up six additional games including the following:
- Scrabble - I know Words with Friends is all the rage, but I'm still partial to the classic board game. The graphics are beautiful and the gameplay is solid. Several multiplayer modes including Facebook make this a great party game as well.
- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Having held off on purchasing a racing game for the iPad, I couldn't resist this highly regarded app for the price of $0.99. I'm still not the best race car driver, and using the iPad to steer is beyond my limited gaming skills. Still, I appreciate a well constructed game when I see one.
- Boggle - The large multi-touch screen of the iPad gets shown off with this classic word game. Using your finger to spell out words as you race against the clock turns out to be a great diversion when on the train, plane, or during a long car ride.
- SimCity Deluxe - App Store reviews are mixed on this one as crashes have been noted, though a hard reset usually solves many of these problems. I haven't tried this out just yet, but again for $0.99, it's worth taking a look, especially for fans of the PC version.
- Yahtzee - Another great board game on the iPad. I didn't play this much as a kid, but it's pretty simple to pick up, and again, the iPad's giant touch screen makes it an ideal setting for a portable gaming experience.
- Reckless Racing - Also a racing game and, as mentioned above, I'm not as skilled with the first person driving games, but Reckless Racing in my hands, and we're talking night and day. Reminds me a lot of Off Road from back in the day, which I loved. Worth $0.99? Easily.
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