Chanatown Turns 100 (in blog post age years)

Birthday Cake - CandlesImage by jessica.diamond via Flickr
I know that compared to other blogs, 100 posts is a drop in the bucket. Some blogs achieve this feat in a day. For me, it's a proud accomplishment as I've had several blogs throughout the years, and the most successful one to date only made it to 72 posts. In addition, I feel like I'm on the verge of truly engaging in this hobby. I take pride in the system that I've developed in terms of getting lots of new content (the most important piece of any blog's success) up on the site.

It definitely makes it easier when you know what you want to write. This past week, I forced myself to stick to a posting schedule:
  • Monday Main Event
  • Tuesday Tutorials (formerly Tuesday Tools)
  • Wednesday on the Web
  • Thursday Reviews (and a break from alliteration)
  • Friday Fun
  • Weekend Wonders
This helped me develop ideas, many of which are sitting in draft form as we speak. As soon as I think of something to write, I jot down some notes, a catchy title, and file it away for when I'm ready to write more. Another thing I do is I write my posts at least a day in advance, letting the auto scheduler do the rest. It's like getting the morning paper in that a new blog post is magically up on the site when I wake up each day.

I hope to continue writing. Obviously, with the school year rapidly approaching (is it really August already?) and a baby boy on the way, my available time will soon diminish. However, it will be interesting to see whether my passion for writing that has developed over the last few weeks will carry over and blogging becomes a priority. I've always enjoyed keeping a journal, though the past few years, my bedside notebook has seen few entries. represents an opportunity to express myself with regards to some of the things I enjoy most in this life. Thanks for reading!
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