A solid mandoline makes for some good sweet potato chips

We've had a mandoline (Swissmar Borner V-Slicer Plus) that we received from our wedding registry sitting on top of our fridge for over 6 months now. I've had a few opportunities to use it, but I can't say that I've been anxious to break it out of its packaging. See, we had a cheap $10 version of a mandoline and it was awful. I wanted something better, so I registered for the V-Slicer (reasonable at $40), but I still had that bad taste in my mouth from the $10 version. That all went away tonight. We have a thing for sweet potatoes in this household, and I've been wanting to make good sweet potato chips for awhile now. Our friend had a BBQ last weekend, and her baked sweet potatoes brought my obsession back to the forefront, so I was determined to try again tonight. Although I was good and ready to start slicing with my new best friend (a Wusthof 8" Chef), I opted to setup the V-Slicer, and honestly, I may never go back. Perfectly thin sliced chips, evenly sliced tomatoes for a caprese sandwich, I was ready to slice anything I could find. So easy, so quick, so sharp. Oh, and those sweet potato chips were tasty as well - Martha's right: 400 degrees, a little EVOO, center/bottom racks, and they came out reasonably crisp and full of flavor.


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